What is a General Drivers Permit?
A General Drivers Permit permits a to drive a public land transport to transport the general public and goods to the market
Are there any fines or penalty if a driver drives a public transport without any valid general drivers permit?
A person must not drive a public land transport to transport the general public with the intention of charging a fee unless that person has been issued with a valid general driver’s permit under subsection. A person who drives any public transport without a general drivers permit, commits an offence punishable, on conviction, by a fine not exceeding VT500,000 or a spot fine of VATU10,000. The vehicle being driven by the driver will be detained and impounded until such time that the fine is paid before it is released by the Authority.
Are there any requirements that a driver must meet when applying for a drivers permit?
the Permit Officer will normally check the following documents and they must be provided before a permit is issued.

(a) - has passed a test conducted by the Commissioner of Police or by persons authorized by the Commissioner; and
(b) - is in possession of a medical certificate certifying the person as medically fit to drive a public land transport. The certificate must have been made not more than 6 months before the date of the said application; and
(c) - has been in possession of a valid driver’s license for a period of not less than 1 year; and
(d) - has not been convicted of any offence under the provisions of sections 12, 13 and 14 of the Road Traffic (Control) Act [CAP 29] within the previous 2 years from the date of the application; and
(e) - has not been convicted of any traffic offences involving drunkenness or intoxication within the previous 2 years from the date of the application; and
(f) - has not been convicted of the offence of sexual intercourse without consent; or
(g) - is of or over the age of 21 years and under the age of 65 years; and
(h) - has been certified by the Authority under subsection 21(3) to have met the prescribed standards; and
(i) - is a member of a provincial land transport Association registered under subsection; and
(j) - has paid the prescribed fee
How much do I pay to obtain a general drivers permit?
The permit fee is VATU2, 000. There are other associated fees that you will are required to pay such as a fee to obtain a medical certificate, a fee to obtain a clearance from Police Traffic Department and an annual fee to pay to the Association.
When does my Drivers Permit expire and when do I renew?
Drivers Permit issued any time during the year expires on 31st December each year. You must renew before the expiry date
18. Is there any late renewal fee if I fail to renew my Drivers Permit on or before 31st December each year?
If you renew your Drivers Permit on or before 31st December of each year, a late renewal fee of VATU5,000 is applicable. This means that instead of paying a fee of VATU2,000 you will pay a total of VATU7,000.
Can I use my drivers permit obtained within another province to drive a public transport in another province?
No. The law makes it clear that you must first register with a provincial land transport association in which the vehicle operates. For instance, you have registered with Shefa Port Vila Land Transport Association and obtained a drivers permit and you intend to move to Sanma Province to drive a public transport, you will need to register with Sanma Luganville Land Transport Association and obtain a Drivers Permit. These permits are differentiated by their Permit Numbers and it indicates what province these permits should be used by their initials of the provinces.