What is public transport ?
Public land transport means a taxi, service bus, tour operator or a common transport that is being used for the purpose of transporting passengers for a fee, charge or reward.
What is a Vehicle Permit?
vehicle permit means a permit issued by the Public Land Transport Authority under section 27 authorising a vehicle to be used as a public land transport for the purpose of this Act.
Who are the Board Members of the Authority ?
A - The Director of the Department of Local Authorities; and
B - the Director of the Department of Tourism; and
C - the head of the Traffic Section of the Vanuatu Police Force; and
D - a representative of the Minister of Internal Affairs; and
E - the Chairperson of each Public Land Transport Association registered under subsection 11(2). The Chairperson is the Director of the Department of Local Authorities
What are the functions of the Authority?
A - to oversee the carrying on of the business of providing public land transport services within Vanuatu; and
B - to ensure that owners and drivers of public land transport vehicles comply with the provisions of this Act; and
C - to organise trainings for owners or drivers of public land transport vehicles; and
D - to set or prescribe standards that have to be met by owners or drivers of public land transport and vehicles; and
E - to prescribe the system of fare levying to be used and the fare structure to be charged by public land transport operators in municipalities or provinces; and
F - to advise the Minister on public land transport matters generally; and
G - to register all Provincial Public Land Transport Associations; and
H - to determine general and tourist pick-up areas and who is permitted to use each of these areas; and
I - such other functions that may be conferred on the Authority by this Act or any other Act.
How often do the Board meet each year?
The Authority meets at least 4 times a year and may hold such other meetings as are necessary for the proper performance of its functions listed under Question 4.
How long is the Chief Executive Officer appointed for?
The Chief Executive Officer of the Authority is appointed by the Authority for a period of 5 years and is eligible for re-appointment.
Who is not eligible to be appointed as the Chief Executive Officer
The following people should be disqualified to be appointed to the position of the Chief Executive Officer;

(a) - is or becomes a member of Parliament, a member of a Provincial Government Council or a member of a Municipal Council; or
(b) - is bankrupt or has made an arrangement in the nature of composition or assignment with his or her creditors; or
(c) - has been convicted of an offence and sentenced to a term of imprisonment for a term of 6 months or more, whether or not it is a suspended sentence.
When should a Chief Executive Officer cease to hold office?
The Chief Executive Officer should cease to hold office if;

(a) - he or she is disqualified for appointment under subsection (4); or
(b) - he or she becomes permanently incapable of performing his or her functions under this Act; or
(c) - he or she resigns from his or her office by notice in writing addressed to the Minister; or
(d) - his or her appointment is terminated by the Authority for a serious breach of the terms and conditions of his or her employment.
What are the functions of the Chief Executive Officer?
The Chief Executive Officer has the following functions to perform;

(a) - to be responsible for the day to day administration of the Authority; and or
(b) - to liaise with the Register of the Vanuatu Financial Service Commission to ensure that Associations registered under section 11 are working effectively; and
(c) - to convene meetings of the Authority at the request of the Authority; and
(d) - to prepare and circulate agendas and issue papers for meetings of the Authority; and
(e) - to coordinate, facilitate and implement the decisions of the Authority; and
(f) - to attend, take, keep and maintain a proper record of the minutes of all meetings of the Authority and circulate them within 3 weeks after each meeting; and
(g) - to act on any matters that the Authority directs him or her to do in relation to matters of the administration of the Authority; and
(h) - to mobilize appropriate resources for the efficient implementation of all decisions of the Authority; and
(i) - to ensure that meetings are held according to the approved schedule of the meetings; and
(j) - such other functions that may be conferred on the Chief Executive Officer by this Act or any other Act.
What are Land Transport Associations?
There are six (6) provincial Land Transport Associations. These Associations must be registered under the Charitable Associations (Incorporation) Act [CAP140]. So far, the following Associations have been established and registered under the above specified Act;

(a) - TORBA Public Land Transport Association; and
(b) - SANMA\LUGANVILLE Public Land Transport Association; and
(c) - PENAMA Public Land Transport Association; and
(d) - MALAMPA Public Land Transport Association; and
(e) - SHEFA\PORT VILA Public Land Transport Association; and
(f) - TAFEA\LENAKEL Public Land Transport Association
Who are the members of the Associations?
Drivers and owners of public transport must register as a member of the Association in which the public land transport operates. The Association determines the terms and conditions for membership and fees to be before a person may become a member. Each Association have their own Constitution as a pre requisite to register with the Charitable Act to guide the operation and management of the Association. The Chairperson of these Associations sit as a Board Member of the Authority.
What are the functions of the Associations?
The following are the functions of each provincial land transport Associations;

(a) - to oversee the carrying out of the business of providing public land transport services within its jurisdiction; and
(b) - to ensure that owners and drivers of public land transport within its jurisdiction comply with the provisions of this Act; and
(c) - to bring to the attention of the Authority any matters which they consider significant for the better carrying out of the business of public land transport service within the relevant jurisdiction; and
(d) - to provide the Authority with any information which the Authority may request from the Association; and
(e) - to perform such other functions as may be conferred on an Association by the Authority, or under this Act or any other Act.