A person who intends to drive public land transport to transport tourists
must apply to the relevant permit officer for a tourist driver’s permit.
A driver’s permit is only valid for 1 year and whether they are issued at the beginning of
the year or during the 4th quarter of each year, they all expire on 31st of December of each
year. A late renewal fee of VATU5,000 will be charged if drivers permit is renewed after
31st of December of each year. This means after this date drivers will pay a total of VATU7,000.
Drivers Permit is ONLY issued by the Office of Public Land Transport Authority.
Section16 (3) (a)-(b) of the Public Land Transport Act states that;
(3) A person must not drive a public land transport to transport the general public with the
intention of charging a fee unless:
(a) that person has been issued with a valid general driver’s permit under subsection 17(1); and
(b) that person is a citizen of Vanuatu.
A person who contravenes subsection (3) mentioned above, commits an offence
punishable, on conviction, by a fine not exceeding VT500,000 or pay a spot fine of
VATU10,000. The vehicle will be impounded and will only be released if the prescribed
penalty is paid.
According to Section 17 of the Act, a drivers permit will only be issued by the permit
officers if he or she is satisfied that the applicant;
(a) has passed a test conducted by the Commissioner of Police or by persons authorised
by the Commissioner; and
(b) is in possession of a medical certificate certifying the person as medically fit to drive a public land transport. The certificate must have been made not more than 6 months before the date of the said application; and
(c) has been in possession of a valid drivers licence for a period of not less than 1 year; and
(d) has not been convicted of any offence under the provisions of sections 12, 13 and 14 of the Road Traffic (Control) Act [CAP 29] within the previous 2 years from the date of the application; and
(e) has not been convicted of any traffic offences involving drunkenness or intoxication within the previous 2 years from the date of the application; and
(f) has not been convicted of the offence of sexual intercourse without consent; or
(g) is of or over the age of 21 years and under the age of 65 years; and
(h) has been certified by the Authority under subsection 21(3) to have met the prescribed standards; and
(i) is a member of an Association registered under subsection 11(1); and
(j) has paid the prescribed fee”.